2024 Annual Conference Sessions

DAY ONE - Wednesday, October 23, 2024

9:00am | Registration Opens

10:00am - 10:15am | Welcome Remarks

10:15am - 11:15am | Opening Keynote Session

Seeds to Success: How to Produce Results in Life and Work

Join Joe Pettit in this insightful keynote as he digs into how planting three key seeds can enhance personal and organizational success. With a background as a former school nutrition administrator, Joe draws upon his own challenges and triumphs as a leader to empower audiences to become stronger leaders themselves. He emphasizes the significance of self-discipline, self-care, and positive self-talk, leaving attendees with practical tools to cultivate their own leadership potential. Get ready for a thought-provoking and transformative experience with Seeds to Success: How to Produce Results in Life and at Work.
Key Area:

Joe Pettit, Founder, New Leaf Leadership

11:15am - 11:55am | Lunch

12:00pm - 1:00pm | Educational Sessions

Team United: How Our Differences Give Us Power

This interactive session is designed to help attendees enhance their communication skills and develop greater self-awareness of their strengths and opportunities. By exploring how our diverse backgrounds and perspectives can be leveraged, participants will learn effective strategies to connect with others successfully. Through engaging activities and discussions, this session aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the power of diversity and teamwork in achieving collective success. Join us to discover how embracing our behavioral differences can make us stronger, more cohesive, and better equipped to thrive both personally and professionally.
Key Area: 

Joe Pettit, Founder, New Leaf Leadership

Preventing Foodborne Illnesses in Schools with an Interactive Outbreak Challenge

Join USDA's Produce Safety University graduates for an engaging session on produce safety basics and preventing foodborne illnesses in schools. Learn best practices for keeping students healthy and participate in a fun, interactive outbreak investigation. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure you're serving produce safely.
Key Area:

Kara Rissmann, Assistant Director of Food & Nutrition Services, Arlington Heights SD 25
Katie Treece, Assistant Director of Nutrition Services, Valley View CSD 365-U

Scratch Cooking: Take the First Step and Align Your Staff 

You’ve determined scratch cooking is a way for you to move your program forward. Now what? How do you approach your staff with the daunting prospect of scratch cooking in your kitchens and not lose them along the way? Learn how to create buy-in and where to start.
Key Area:

Diane Chapeta, Illinois Farm to School Network Program Manager, Seven Generations Ahead
Josephine Lauer, Program Director/Food Service Consultant, Beyond Green Partners
Connie Crawley, Food Service Director, Lincoln Elem. SD 27

USDA Foods — Understanding the Value

Please join ISBE as we share information and updates related to USDA Foods and the Food Distribution Program. The Food Distribution Program offers three spending options, which all add value to the meals you serve! 
Key Area:

Paula Williams, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

1:10pm - 2:10pm | Educational Sessions

How to Be Known for Compassionate Customer Service

In this breakout session, attendees will enhance their teamwork and communication skills to improve compassionate responses with all people. We'll focus on the importance of awareness and managing the delivery of messages ("how you say" it), perfecting your PRESENTation, and maintaining a positive attitude. Attendees will discover strategies to always be nice and make things right, understanding that while the "customer isn't always right, they're always the customer". Join us to explore how to collaborate effectively and SERVE with COMPASSION, not just by believing in excellence but by consistently delivering the best service possible.
Key Area: 

Joe Pettit, Founder, New Leaf Leadership

Procurement & Equipment Purchasing

Managing the entire procurement process for kitchen and equipment upgrades involves understanding how to seek out and make the most of the resources at your disposal, knowing which pertinent questions to pose and creating a detailed project timeline.
Key Area:

Jeanine Lopez, Business Development Manager, Boelter
Sandra Voss, Director of Food & Nutrition Services, Arlington Heights SD 25

Building the Local Food in Schools (LFS) Process: From Procurement to the Menu

How do you source local foods and transition local to the menu? What's the best method to procure local foods? What does LFS funding allow you to purchase? How do you shine a spotlight on your locally sourced menus and gain the interest of your customers? If you've asked these questions and need the answers, join us and learn how to create a cohesive process for LFS funds.
Key Area:

Lindsay Blough, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education
Diane Chapeta, Illinois Farm to School Network Program Manager, Seven Generations Ahead
Connie Crawley, Food Service Director, Lincoln Elem. SD 27

Incorporating Scratch Cooking into Your School Meal Program

Learn how to evaluate your program for identification of opportunities to offer more scratch-based items on your menu. The difference between scratch cooking and speed-scratch cooking is explained along with ways to include student acceptance. 
Key Area:

Leah Erke, Extension Outreach Associate, ABCs of School Nutrition

2:20pm - 2:50pm | Educational Sessions

Creating Engagement with Employee and Student Promotions

Increasing engagement increases participation. Learn how to engage both students and staff in your food service program with a few simple low-cost promotions that you can easily incorporate into your operations.
Key Area: 

Kevin Harris, Director of Food Services, McHenry CCSD 15

Blast Chilling and Beyond for K-12

Join this session to learn more about blast chilling including how it can fit into your kitchen and what to look for when making a selection. 
Key Area: 

Michael Marsh, Regional Director of Sales/Corporate Chef, IRINOX North America

Making Illinois Next: Free School Meals for All

Learn about the Healthy School Meals for All campaign in Illinois, from the basics of why school meals are important to the details of how school food service professionals are critical players to bringing universal free meals to Illinois. This session will cover statewide efforts and how to get engaged.
Key Area: 

Janna Simon, Director, Center for Policy & Partnership Initiatives, Illinois Public Health Institute

Rethink the Sweet: Limiting Added Sugars in School Nutrition Programs

New guidelines for added sugars in school nutrition programs may not sound sweet, but don’t go sour just yet! In this session, we’ll discuss added sugars and why they matter, look at how regulations might impact menu planning and review strategies to promote lower-sugar options in the cafeteria and beyond. 
Key Area: 

Leia Flure, MS, RD, LDN, Extension Outreach Associate, ABCs of School Nutrition

3:00pm - 5:00pm | Exhibit Hall/Food Show

5:30pm - 6:30pm | Cocktail Reception

6:30pm - 8:00pm | Dinner and Awards

8:00pm - 9:00pm | Entertainment - Bingo

DAY TWO - Thursday, October 24, 2024

7:30am - 8:30am | Breakfast & ILSNA Business Meeting

8:30am - 9:30am | Educational Session

ISBE & Meal Pattern Updates

Hear from ISBE and USDA regarding important updates and hot topics in Illinois school nutrition as well as meal pattern updates from the newly published final rule Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Key Area: 

Beth Tanner, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

Janelle Winter, Nutritionist, USDA

9:40am - 10:40am | Educational Sessions

Demystifying Combi Ovens: Stop Cowering and Start Cooking with Confidence

In this training, participants will overcome combi oven paralysis and learn how to get the most out of this powerful new cooking trend. Tanya explains (in lay terms) the physics behind combi oven-steamer technology and how it works differently than standard ovens and steamers. She compares and contrasts the different types of combis on the market and helps operators determine the best type for their needs. She walks participants through all the combi oven functions and explains which to use for what applications, and why. Finally, she reviews the cleaning and maintenance protocols critical to a combi’s longevity and proper functioning.
Key Area: 

Tanya Sieber, K-12 Market Manager, Burlis Lawson Group

More Plants on Plates: How to Introduce Plant-Based Options in Schools

Learn about the growing trend of plant-based meals in school nutrition programs and how they can meet students' increasing demand. This session covers introducing plant-based meals, the benefits of plant-based nutrition, USDA compliance and plant-based protein alternatives. Additionally, discover marketing strategies, hear success stories and get practical implementation advice.
Key Area: 

Meryl Fury, President/CEO, Plant Based Nutrition Movement
Michelle Saletan, Institutional Support Specialist, Balanced

Rooted in Compliance: Fresh Strategies for Audit Success

Learn key steps to prepare for the Administrative Review of your school nutrition programs. Ensure compliance, understand program requirements, receive technical assistance and take corrective actions to avoid fiscal penalties. Perfect for new Directors, program managers or schools within an upcoming administrative review.
Key Area: 

Yvonne Jablonski, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

Jessica Smith, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

10:50am - 11:50am | Educational Sessions

Knife Skills 101: Essential Basics of Proper Knife Use and Care

Most of us are self-taught knife operators and most of us use the wrong knives and the wrong techniques. If we’ve been “doing it wrong” for a long time, unlearning these bad habits takes practice and diligence, but re-training ourselves in proper knife skills will make us faster, safer operators whose production is more consistent and higher quality. This training provides instruction on 1) knife sharpening, honing, care and storage; 2) proper knife selection for each job; 3) proper knife grip and use; 4) and strategies for efficiently achieving consistent, high-quality results with some of the most common products we process in a K12 kitchen (demonstrated live by the instructor). When possible, this training is followed by hands-on practice at multiple supervised stations, so participants can receive individual instruction and reinforce their new skills.  
Key Area: 

Tanya Sieber, K-12 Market Manager, Burlis Lawson Group

Curing the Commodity Anxiety

Commodities! The anxiety that one word can conjure is palpable. Understanding the fundamentals of how commodities work will make a mole hill out of that anxiety mountain. With over 40 years of foodservice, distribution and bid experience, Stas will have you laughing as you learn how it all works.  
Key Area: 

Stas Georgiadis, President, Advanced Purchasing

RPM (Resource and Procurement Management) — Let's Rev it Up!

Resource Management will look at the overall financial aspects of the School Nutrition Programs. Procurement will take a look at the policies and processes of purchasing foods and services the district should have in place and documenting the various types of purchases used within the food services department which will be important for a procurement review.
Key Area: 

Mike Gogerty, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

Harley Hepner, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education

12:00pm - 12:30pm | Closing Session

Become a Situational Leader

School nutrition leaders can be influential or not. You can contribute to a highly productive working environment or produce non-productive behavior in workers and followers. For a leader to be influential, the leader must understand their role as well as the needs of those who follow. This is what we call a Situational Leader.  Come join me and let’s explore how to apply this model in your environment.
Key Area:

Dr. Michael Jacoby, Executive Director, ILSNA

12:30pm - 1:15pm | Lunch & Roundtable Networking

1:15pm - 1:30pm | Raffle & Closing Remarks